A Sweet Place to Be

A sweet place to be – this grandparent, Nana-stage - to experience the pure wash of star shine into my heart that breaks out onto my face in huge smiles! What precious baby smiles, sticky kisses, bear hugs and new little ones to enjoy in a way it was not possible to enjoy my own children. My husband and I, so busy with the hard stuff – learning to make room for the new little people in our lives, the late night feedings, the mound of diapers to wash, and the often confusing path to becoming the kind of parents we hoped we would be that, ahhhhh, we simply enjoy these new, like our own, but not our own, little ones and leave the hard stuff to their parents!

Another sweet discovery is the tender, deep love that the two of us, my husband and I, have for each other that would not be as rich if not for the hard times, the sweet times, or the length of time spent together. I look at present-day marriages and am saddened by the fact that some couples will never get to the place of companionship and love with which we are blessed to enjoy simply because they did not give their marriage enough time.

The kind of love we now share has less to do with physical attractiveness and blazing passion and much more to do with contentment, deep caring and commitment to the Lord and each other. The gray hair (or no hair), wrinkles, enlarged waists and slowing gaits actually add to the sweetness of what we now share. The foundation of trust and support for each other has made us confident in our love, the kind of confidence that is lovelier than physical beauty and finer than the greatest physical passion.